Nån vill blåsa mej!

Attn Beneficiary.

I am compelled to write you this email for the following reason :- One of my clients who is now deceased, in His Will,left for someone who bears
your name his entire Estate and Cash deposit valued Twenty one million and Three hundred thousand dollars US$21,300,000.00).The truth is
that, l do not know if you are the beneficiary or not. For two years now, l have tried effortlessly to locate the name on the will without success hence l have contacted you.

Can you please get back to me urgently if you are capable of investing this fund for any profitable ventures in your domain, contact me for
further explanation on this emails address:
( [email protected] )

Regards Attorney
Susan Hoffman Assistant to Barr. Brian Lloyd.

Detta mailet fick jag, nog att man går på sånt trams!! Men jag hade ju inte blivit ledsen om jag fått 21 miljoner dollar ;)


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